Personally, I read all the available application details, company websites, privacy policies, & user reviews for sleep app alarms, I chose this one. There are a couple review complaints (minimal compared to other apps), but in my experience most one off complaints prove to be user error. This app is easy to use & navigate. This app contains multiple useful alarm functionalities that one can personalize to their preference. The large sound file database is easily accessible & included with purchase. Note: Sound files can be large, so only 5 are downloaded at install, allowing user choice in what sounds & data size they want to put on their phone. Previewing the vast array of unique & wonderful sounds is easy to do, however it works best by allowing your CPU time to access the file, so when previewing multiple selections, use patience & if at first you dont succeed then press the preview button again- it never fails. If you pay for the app there are no additional app costs, so downloading the sound bits you like is included with purchase. KEEP IN MIND: if youve chosen not to allow app. full access to your phone capabilities, as I, there are a sequence of pop-up questions on the screen to answer before laying the phone on your pillow, so until the Alarm Clock Countdown is the ONLY thing on the screen, the alarm is NOT actually set. I havent found this to be an issue because my phone alarms work as backup to this app in any case. Which brings me to another nice feature of this app, you can access other applications while this app is running, so go ahead & WIKI that last thought before bed or listen to a guided meditation or music before sleep. Note: I dont allow microphone access, so if you do this might make that functionality of the app different than my experience. Having read the Privacy Policy of this Oregon state operated (Made in the USA) health application company, regarding my personal sleep data, Im satisfied that my private data remains anonymous. The sleep log graphs are easy to read & appropriate statistical analysis is logged throughout the applications use. There is a circle which assumably identifies the amount of time one achieved quality rest for that logged interval (this # often differs from actual time in bed), which can be helpful information for the dis-eased sleeper. Also, an optional, potentially useful, journaling notation for each evening is available, however its suggested that x must = <500 words & Im not sure if there is an option to export this data(?). Altogether, I find the sleep log to be useful, perfectly functional, & successfully applied to my need! Cheers.
Élan Mia Shon about
Sleep Science HQ: alarm clock